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(Mekong Dolphine Errawady Community)

   សហគមន៍កោះទ្រង់ ស្ថិតនៅខេត្តក្រចេះគ្រាន់​តែឆ្លង​ទូករយៈ​ពេលប្រាំនាទីប៉ុណ្ណោះពីកំពង់ផែទីរួមខេត្ត​ លោកអ្នកបាន​នឹង​បាន​ឃើញកូនកោះតូចមួយដែលពោរពេញដោយ ជីវជាតិ។ ដំណាំ​ជាពិសេស​នៅទី​នោះ​គឺ ក្រូចថ្លុងដែលមានទំហំធំៗ​មាន​សុខភាព​ល្អតាមបែបធម្មជាតិសុទ្ធសាធ។ ​ភូមិរបស់អ្នក​ប្រជា​ជន​នៅទីនោះបានរៀបចំយ៉ាងល្អសម្រាប់ សេវាទេសចរណ៍បែបសហគមន៍ធម្មជាតិ។ ផ្ទះទាំងនោះបានត្រៀមជា Homestay ហើយនៅជុំវិញផ្ទះណាក៏មានសុទ្ធតែចំការក្រូចដែលមានផ្លែធំៗរណេងរណោង។ ក្រៅពីនេះ សេវារទេះគោ (Ox-card), Bicycle, ជឹះជុំវិញភូមិទស្សនាទេសភាព ស្រែចំការ និង ទន្លេមេគង្គ។ ចំណែកឯវត្តអារាមគឺជាគម្រូនៃការថែរក្សា និង អភិរក្សសត្វស្លាប និង ព្រៃឈើ។ នៅទីនោះមានច្បារព្រៃឈើដ៏ធំមួយសម្រាប់ស្វាគមន៍ភ្ញៀវទេសចរណ៍ទាំងឡាយណា ដែលចង់ដាំឈើទុកជាអនុស្សាវរីយ៍ផងដែរ។ 

     សហគមន៍នេះល្អណាស់សម្រាប់ការសម្រាកលំហែរយៈពេលយូរ ពិសេសសម្រាប់មន្រ្តីចូលនិវត្តនិ៍ និង ការចុះកម្មសិក្សារបស់និស្សិតសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ។

Full package 2Days 1Night :


07:00AM Breakfast

08:00AM -11:00AM Visit the surroundings of Koh Trong Community by Ox-card or bike riding cross the Grapefruit farm.

12:00AM Lunch, local food and rest.

01:00PM-03:00PM : Visit pagoda tree-farm and looking                                          large bats.

03:15Pm-05:00Pm : Boat surrounding the island to visit

05:00Pm-06:00Pm : looking sunset, Looking and large bats



06:00Pm-07:00Pm : Local BBQ and grapefruit.

- Homestay in the middle of the Grapefruit forest (On island and along the mekong river).


07:00AM Breakfast

08:20AM -08:30AM : Boat to Kratei Province.

08:35AM -09:20AM : Motor/ VAN riding to Kampi pool.

09:35AM -11:00AM : Boat to visit Dolphin Irrawaddy Mekong at Kampi pool.

11:35AM -01:00PM  : Lunch and relax.

01:35AM -05:00PM  : Go to visit other one community, Koh

                                          Pdao or Koh Prash community.

Notice : The quest can take a night homestay at these community one more night if you want.

Booking information:

1/ Personal trip

Program                 Number  quest      Unites Price        Pick up

1night 2days            1                                    185$            ​PP&Back

                                       2                                    110$            PP&Back

                                       3-5                                 85$             PP&Back

                                       6-8                                 70$             PP&Back

                                      9-10                                65$            PP&Back

                                      11-15                             50$             PP&Back

2/ Long term vocation for foreigner

Number  quest     1week       2week         3week           Pickup 

                      1          300$          550$           1200$           PP&Back

                      2          285$          500$           1000$           PP&Back

                     3-5       235$          450$            700$            PP&Back

                     1-5       120$          230$            350$            PP&Back

                    6-8        110$         222$             300$            PP&Back

                    9-10      100$         200$            290$             PP&Back

                   11-15     90$           185$            150$             PP&Back

Volunteer for foreigner :


Number  quest     1week       2week         3week           Pickup 

                      1          200$          385$            330$            ​PP&Back

                      2          185$          250$            310$            PP&Back

                     3-5        108$          210$           300$            PP&Back

                     6-8        100$          200$           290$            PP&Back

                     9-10       90$          185$            160$            PP&Back

                    11-15      80$          160$           145$             PP&Back

   ក្រៅពីសហគមន៍ទេសចរណ៍ធម្មជាតិកោះទ្រង់ និង អន្លង់ផ្សោតកាំពី នៅមានសហគមន៍ផ្សោតពីរកន្លែងផ្សេងទៀត ដែលលោកអ្នកអាចស្នាក់នៅ Homestay បរិ ភោគអាហារធម្មជាតិ Local foofs និងជឹះទូកទស្សនាផ្សោតតាមអន្លង់អភិរក្ស របស់ប្រជាសហគមន៍។សហគមន៍ទាំងពីរចាត់ទុកថាជាជង្រុកធនធានធម្មជាតិ ដ៏មាន តម្លៃ និងសម្បូរបែប។ លោកអ្នក​អាចចូលរួមសកម្មភាពកម្សាន្តនានា អ្នកទេសចរ​អាច​រីករាយ​នឹង​ទេសភាព​ដ៏​ស្រស់​ស្អាត​នៃ​ទន្លេមេគង្គ​ ជាមួយនឹង​ត្រី​ផ្សោត​ហែល​នៅ​ជាប់​នឹង​ទូក​របស់​​អ្នក​។​ ថ្ងៃ​លិច​ដ៏​ស្រស់​ស្អាត​នា​ពេល​ល្ងាច​នឹង​ប្រែក្លាយ​ទន្លេ​ទៅ​ជា​ពណ៌​មាស​ដ៏​ចែងចាំង ការនេសាទ ជឹះកង់តាមជ្រលង លេង​កីឡា​(​បាល់ទាត់​ឬ​បាល់ទះ​)​ ជាមួយ​ក្មេងៗ​ ឬ​ បង្រៀន​ភាសា​អង់គ្លេស​ទៅ​កាន់​ពួក​គេ​។​

Koh Pdao, an island in the Mekong, you will find the Koh Pdao Dolphin Pool. This is one of the few places where you can see the rare Irrawaddy river dolphin. With the Community Development Tour you travel up the Mekong River from Kratie to Koh Pdao Island. During the 2,5 day visit to the community you learn about the lives and stories of the Cambodians and stay in their homes as a guest. You will participate in project activities and get involved with the community. This will give a rare glimpse of how Cambodians live in the countryside.

Koh Preah is an island situated in the Mekong River which belongs to Kratie Province in the Northeast of Cambodia. We also known as the 'Island of God' – name was given to the island after local inhabitants found many Buddha statues after the Khmer Rouge regime ended – is a small, remote and charming island in the heart of the Mekong. It is an excellent place to begin your Cambodian experience after arriving from Laos.
This community offers a large range of biodiversity, there is rich in natural resources, provides a perfect insight of the Khmer culture and a stunning setting in order to watch the seriously endangered Irrawaddy River Dolphin and many types of rare birdlife. Guests will be hosted by a local family and given a true taste of Cambodian rural life.
Visitors get the chance to live and experience the life of local village people firsthand when staying at a traditional home-stay on Koh Preah. The host family will involve you in cooking, rice planting and other livelihood activities. Additional activities are: visiting the flooded forest, boating to see river views, swimming and relaxing on the river beaches (dry season only) as well as gaze upon stunning sunsets and shining sunrises.


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