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Green Home night

Green Home night

Green Home

Green Home

Green Home inside

Green Home inside

Green Home

Green Home

The Community of Agro-Eco-Tourism Star Level Homestay 

Project star Level homestay is the best first one in Cambodia. In actually, Green Home was build since 2013 by Mr VORN SAMBO and his wife's Mrs Phanlork who are the active people live at SIEM REAP district SIEM REAP Province-Angkor Wat town.  Since started, This Project was organized by NGO's ICC (Founder by Mr Krouch Ly) who are the people live at Chreav commune, SIEM REAP District, SIEM REAP Province.  

With the process three years ago, this project help more to make income for home owner. 

Star level homestay is one more project will develop the green home to be star level of Homestay.  we want green home be a model of Star Level homestay for local homestay around community Eco-tourism in Cambodia.

Why Green Home?

SIEM REAP-Angkor is the number one destination for booking from national and international tourist. AngKor Wat is also the world heritage that everyone wish to visit.  

Surrounding of Green Home is the natural rice filed and palm tree. On the back side we also watching mountain and beautiful sunset. on other side is the lotus farm,.. other package visit will include such as Pearaing lake and Prek Tal bird biodiversity...  

Green Home owner is the active people. They was a strong on commitment and resolution to build better livelihood by the​ integrity ways.  The person who are love to the natural and bird, Mr SAMBOR he always arrangement the best conservation area for quest. Other from him, His wife is the lovely ​and gentle.  She is the housewife diligence. she care on her service. 

Green Home well done experience on homestay service three years ago. We are ready to provide the best local service for you. 

Green Home not too far from AngKor Wat temple.  if you departure from bus station by motor rental, own car or TUK TUK may you spend 31 minutes driving only.


We was create a strong commitment team work who are passion to run it well done for succeed this project. this team will be the first started working to lead and plan for spread out Green Home star level homestay surrounding of Eco-Community tourism in Cambodia. For now, we started to do it on step one at Green Home SIEM REAP_Angkor. We are very excited that we can work together and promised to make it become true. We have the one heart focused and the one heat thinking.  

Why we focus on Green Eco-tourism?

Green Home is the best one local homestay. focusing on community Eco-Tourism can make sustainable of development. By supporting on local service, your contribute will hep more to the local live for better livelihood and migrate avoidance. 

we believe the same you that when you tired with a fullday working you always effort about the best arrangement of trip. Especially​​ retiree, they need a serene environment and peaceful.       

To stay in homestay which the place surrounding by green tree and fresh air can make you sleep well and good dream. on the morning, you also can watch to the sunrise, drink natural cofe and sit under the tree in front of garden  and listen the bird song lull,.. and at the evening you can looking to sunset behind of the mountain, smell from lotus farm under palm tree shade and sit on the swimming pool, drink red wine,.. 

Adding on your plan staying, some of days you can go visit the lovely bird on the rice field or Prektal biodiversity or Ox-card riding to visit vegetable farm, or cycling countryside tour to visit very interested local lifestyle, custom and daily activities,..

All of this was provide at The green Home and apply for all community homestay. 


Lecturer of research and development of Royal Phnom Penh University. He working on community development

she is a homestay manager she was very lovely ​and gentle.  She also the housewife diligence. very care on her service and quest. 


He most like on natural and researcher. He work on bird conservation and wildlife protect area. he want everyone join to protect them. 

Mrs, Phanlork(wife)


Founder of ICC association. He also the person who like the homestay design, garden, Vegetable, Ox-card, and local guide.  

Projection focus include

Poor Children 

Celestial​​ dancing

Birds & Wildlife

Protect & Conservation

Orphan Youth

Retirement care center


forest protection

The label of star level homestay  SIEM REAP (Policy setup)

1. Location and environment:

Our project was focus on mountain views, Rice field surrounding, Palm tree and lotus  lake.  Quite environment is also included. This condition will make the home full of fresh air and cool. The real natural field is the best for natural life and sound such as cricket and frog.

The old :

On going plan (Processing):

2. Homestay style and model:

Our homestay focus on all five kind of Khmer traditional home such as Pet House, Kantaing House, Khmer House, Rong Daol House and Rong Doeung House. Front and back porch is prefer for  refresh sit to drink cofe and family discussion and make full of air. The commission of Home designer will respond on these home.

Family home for long term stay as retirement (To live take real local live style & Vegetable farm surrounding, space for yoga, Cycling, rice field for planting, small lake, and own roomy kitchen..)  

Private home for long term stay as vocation  

Home for long term stay as volunteer  

3. Material and equipment art required:

Bamboo and thatch was a material required. table, chair and bed also build from bamboo but ​a cane is acceptable. all equipment using is also unique from bamboo, cane or coconut shell handicraft. The local material handicraft marking is prefer and encourage, the direct cost is afford and The plastic useless is the policy.  

4. Room inside, Keep basic clean and style:

Room name is focus on the name of the bird, Elephant, tree, waterfall and what is the special by each destination to make a cataloging for Khmer culture. inside of the room design by the local material as scripted before. Everything keep the clean and full air flow in-out is our policy. Bamboo hut, bamboo bed, bamboo sofa, bamboo table and bamboo chair are preferred.

Business room

Private room

Family room

4. Roomy kitchen, bathroom and toilet :

Room name is focus on the name of the bird, Elephant, tree, waterfall and what is the special by each destination to make a cataloging for Khmer culture. inside of the room design by the local material as scripted before. Everything keep the clean and full air flow in-out is our policy. Bamboo hut, bamboo bed, bamboo sofa, bamboo table and bamboo chair are preferred.

Surrounding of the house must be green. the garden was be difference kinds : Green tree and water tree, flower, fruit, Vegetable and cataloging tree (palm tree and bamboo). we include some of insect that can live with these tree and water like that: crayfish, frog, cricket and snail. Mix of biodiversity around house will make a cycle of organic local food for quest.  This is the best for long term stay as a retirement take real style of daily local live and exercise and spend-less.    

5. Garden, Tree and insect :

6. Gateways and local produce :

Palm tree and grape will be plant for gateways in to the green Home and future concept for make a local produce to support to village organic market store such as : palm wine, grape juice, sugar and palm fruit dessert.

Projection focus include

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