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"I think you have one dream, joint together to make it become true"

SIEN SARITH use a camera: Canon 60D lens 70-200 IS II F/2.8 experience on photographer life since 2013.

My words to you: "I wish everything stay with you forever,.. I like natural, i like calm life,.. But everything was a change. So, I like shooting because it can keep everything stand with everyone forever,.."


Founder History and wish

My name is SIEN SARITH, 30 year old, I was born on 27 November 1984 in Takeo Province where is located at the south of Cambodia far from Phnom Penh City 80Km. I finished high school in 2003 and passed on national exam to be a primary school teacher in 2003-2005. I worked as a primary school teacher for one year. In 2006, my parents was die because of sickness and poor. I changed my work to OURHOME organization in Phnom Penh city in position of social worker. In 2007, I was changed my work again to find growing opportunity with KHEMARAK University at PUSAT province in position as chief of official studies academy and Lecturer of KHMER CULTUR. After one year, I passed on announcement from ACLEDA Bank Plc of Phnom Penh, Cambodia to work as a Credit officer in 2008 and chaneg position to the internal auditor till 2011. Along this experience, I worked closely with the poor people. I have to learn more from their Economic life.

At the end of 2011, December, I passed again on national exam to be a lecturer of research and Development of Royal University of Phnom Penh. I contracted to teach, study cause, advisor for academic study program, Apprenticeship and workshop with many National and private university in Phnom Penh. During my working and research, I met more students came from countryside of Cambodia. This experience make me understanding the roots of fundamental economic problem and a part of solution.

Crossed of these Experience, in 2013, I’m sure to create Coffee Niseth shop in Phnom Penh City (on zoon of poor student stay-room-rental) in purpose to give them a job and skill focused on first year of university student came from countryside.

From 2013-2015 Coffee Niseth was grow to three of branches in the total staff (Student and volunteer) 15 persons.

In 2015 our Coffee Niseth Group meeting to create Unique Trip association. I’m a chairman and Founder. The team voted me to worked in position of director of association till Unique Trip budget possible for recru​it new staff for this position. Our association was supported by Coffee Niseth and run on vision that we are a biggest Eco-Tourism network in Cambodia to make a sustainable of Development. We create Eco-Tour project to attract heart of young generation to help the community through Eco-Tour using service. Regarding to this project, mission of us is we would commit to help the poor communities enhance their living. Our activities is make skill and learning our staff (who are the poor and came from countryside) to practice Eco-tour sustainable project, experience sharing from foreign volunteer and go back to build them homeland after finish their university.


My Last promised

I'm going on the ways to help to build Eco community tourism around Cambodia. I'm also tried to build standard formula living style at my homeland TAKEO province too. When i was a young at born place is fully of natural resource for communities living. But today everything was a change. Almost people leave out their homeland to find growing at other province and Europe.

I petty my homeland so much, i don't want him silence and poor. i promised myself to develop them after i get high Educate and job. Now arrived time to do it. i will make them become a suitable and comfortable place for living. " Where should i go because its my homeland?" I think you also have one dream too. Please join us now, we will try our best to make it become true.

All of picture bellow its my attractive plan and promised it become true:

Concept: First of all i like a landscape Picture. second, i go anywhere to shooting them. When i arrived the place that i wish to shoot, my feel very fresh and comfortable. i dream to live there. when i got homestay one nigh, local food one time, i really want go on more time. i think all of you really feel like me too. Now, on my hand and office has a lot of picture of landscape, many kind of homestay, garden, vegetable and swimming pool.

From nowadays, I try to write a project develop community Eco-tourism at my homeland. I'm not a rich man but my passion tell me that i can do. And then, i will go to help anywhere around Cambodia to build it. You want to go with me? Let looking to my proposal as bellow:

Location: My homeland Takeo Province

Agrotourism concept At the location that i wish to run this project is full of rice field. Its very green, beautiful and rich on natural resource at the raining season for six months from June to December and January. after, is the dry season. the filed become to wilderness. The local people try with Migrants to find any earn. they keep all these land free for 6 months from February to May because of they have no water and skill for develop in agriculture.

Key work: First of all we must try to build reservoir for stock water at the raining season and keep to use at the dry season.

Effected: With the reservoir, almost of fish will coming to live. we expected the number of fish per season is 1millions of fish.with the more of them we can earn 0.7$ per fish or we can prepare the fishing service for tourist. Other one, we will prepare the vegetable park and flower garden. all of local people who are the owner of the land around there can join us to do it. we also schedule agriculture training from related NGOs for them too. Any help, we was setup to our strategic plan is the market for their products, found invest loan (if they need) and​ seed.

Respond and Map For the vegetable plan we respond on organic and natural quality. all of vegetable park and flower garden was setup under the tourism map for homestay building.

Homestay building

Homestay building will build with the difference of very oldest of KHMER TRADITIONAL HOME STYLE. this is our special focus. we want show to the world about Khmer countryside living style also. all of homestay will build between of vegetable park or flower garden around reservoir and green tree in front of fresh air. On the one homestay build for one big family 6 members. Room for parent, for child and for friend and space for drink cafe at the morning will be include. in front of each home mayhave many vegetable, flower and very closely to reservoir for fishing also.

Skill and Education project

Philosophy discussing space

Graveyard building and spirit praying

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